

Tablescript has standard JavaScript-y types including strings, numbers, booleans, and functions. It also has built-in support for table types and dice literals for content generation.


Tablescript supports 'single-quoted strings' and "double-quoted strings". These work like they do in JavaScript and support escaping characters if necessary.

print('And I said, "Hey! What a wonderful kind of day."'); print("And I said, \"Hey! What a wonderful kind of day.\""); print('I can\'t believe it\'s not JavaScript!'); print("I can't believe it's not JavaScript!");

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Template Strings

Tablescript also supports `back-tick template strings` for interpolation. Inside a template string, inject arbitrary Tablescript expressions using ${ ... }.

print(`You found ${ 3d10 * 100 }gp!`); print(`A ${ choose(['red', 'green', 'blue', 'purple']) } dragon!`);

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Strings can be indexed (starting with 0):

name = 'Joe Schmoe'; print(name[2]); # >> e

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Strings can be reverse-indexed (starting with -1):

name = 'Joe Schmoe'; print(name[-2]); # >> o

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Strings indexed beyond the bounds are undefined:

name = 'Joe Schmoe'; print(name[100]); # >> undefined

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Strings can be concatenated:

first_name = 'Joe'; last_name = 'Schmoe'; print(first_name + ' ' + last_name); # >> Joe Schmoe

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…though it’s better to use template strings:

first_name = 'Joe'; last_name = 'Schmoe'; print(`${first_name} ${last_name}`); # >> Joe Schmoe

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Strings can be multiplied:

print('sneak attack ' * 3); # >> sneak attack sneak attack sneak attack

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Tablescript supports Javascript-y numbers like integers and floats.

price = 120; tax_rate = 31.4159; tax = price * (tax_rate / 100); total = price + tax; print(`You owe ${ total }gp`);

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You can convert from string to number with the int() built-in.

a_number = '3.14159'; numberethized = int(a_number);

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Tablescript does not support scientific or engineering notation. If you need those types of numbers, Tablescript might not be the right tool for the job.


Tablescript supports boolean values: either true or false.

a = true; b = false; c = a or b; assert(c == true); d = a and b; assert(d == false);

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Tablescript supports arrays of values and a variety of operations on those arrays.


Arrays have built-in methods for manipulating them. Call array methods like this:

a = [4, 2, 7, 19, 3]; print(a.sort()); # >> [2, 3, 4, 7, 19] print(a.reverse()); # >> [3, 19, 7, 2, 4]

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Returns a new array with i appended to the end of the old array.

a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; print(a.append(6)); # >> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

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Returns a randomly selected entry from the array.

a = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'black']; print(a.choose()); # >> blue

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Returns an object where the keys are the result of calling f(entry) for each array entry, and the values are the count of the number of array entries that return the same key.

a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]; f = fn(n) n % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'; print(a.countBy(f)); # >> { 'odd': 4, 'even': 3 }

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Calls f(entry) for each array entry, and returns the value of the last call.

a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]; f = fn(n) print(n); v = a.each(f); # >> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 print(v); # >> 7

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Returns true if for every array entry, f(entry) returns true.

a = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]; is_even = fn(n) n % 2 == 0; is_less_than_10 = fn(n) n < 10; print(a.every(is_even)); # >> true print(a.every(is_less_than_10)); # >> false

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Returns true if for at least 1 array entry, f(entry) returns true.

a = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]; at_least_10 = fn(n) n >= 10; is_odd = fn(n) n % 2 != 0; print(a.some(at_least_10)); # >> true print(a.some(is_odd)); # >> false

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Dice Literals

Tablescript supports dice literals in mathematical expressions. For example:

str = 4d6d1; # 4d6 drop the low die target = d5; # select from an odd number of targets attack = 2d20k1; # 2 x d20 and only keep the highest damage = 2d12 + d6 + 3; # combine dice and math

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The dice format looks like this:


where count is the optional number of dice to roll, sides is the number of theoretical sides on the die, and modifiers is a combination of the following:

  • d - drop the lowest die
  • d1, d2, etc. - drop a number of lowest dice
  • dl1, dl2, etc. - also drop a number of lowest dice
  • dh1, dh2, etc. - drop a number of highest dice
  • k - keep the highest die
  • k1, k2, etc. - keep a number of highest dice
  • kh1, kh2, etc. - also keep a number of highest dice
  • kl1, kl2, etc. - keep a number of lowest dice
  • r1 - re-roll 1s
  • r<3 - re-roll 1s and 2s
  • r>19 - re-roll 20s (on a d20 for instance)

Other examples include:

  • d6 (count is optional)
  • 3d6
  • 4d6d (4d6 drop the lowest)
  • 2d20dr<3 (2 d20s, re-roll 1s and 2s, drop the lowest result)

sides can also be F to roll Fate/Fudge dice.

  • dF
  • 4dF

Roll20-style formats are largely supported. For more details, see the Roll20 documentation.


Uninitialized variables are undefined.

assert(x == undefined); assert(undefined == undefined);

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Copyright Jamie Hale 2021