

Tablescript is a simple scripting language with built-in support for random content generation. The current version allows tables - arrays of elements selected at random when a table is called like a function - and dice literals (e.g. 3d6+5).

The language grew out of a desire to have more random content more readily available when running role-playing games. For instance, it’s jarring to the players and the narrative when the characters decide to visit a town that the GM hasn’t prepared. With Tablescript (and a random town generation script), a GM can quickly produce enough narrative colour to maintain the illusion that the game world is alive and complete.

Getting Started

Tablescript has standard types (number, string, boolean, object, array, undefined), first class functions, and first class tables.

A simple script might look like this:

join_and_capitalize = fn(words) { w.capitalize()).join(' '); }; print(join_and_capitalize(['green', 'dragon', 'inn'])); # >> "Green Dragon Inn"

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(Tablescript has several built-in functions - print() is one of them.)

Tablescript has two types of tables: a choice where each entry has the same probability, and a table where each entry has custom probabilities.

A simple choice table might look like this:

treasure = choice { 100gp magic sword healing potion a rock };

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To use the table, call it like you would a function:

treasure = choice { 100gp magic sword healing potion a rock }; print(treasure()); # >> "magic sword"

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You can make complex tables by adding scripting elements:

potions = choice { healing super healing super duper healing useless }; treasure = choice { ${ 3d6 * 10 } gp magic ${ choose(['sword', 'dagger', 'beans']) } ${ potions() } potion };

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Tables (table) can also have entries with different probabilities:

wandering_monsters = table { 1-5: goblins 6-9: orcs 10: ogre };

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Both tables and choices can have arbitrary expressions as entries:

sword_bonus = table { 1-10: > 1; 11-14: > 2; 15-17: > 3; 18-19: > 4; 20: > 5; }; sword_adjectives = choice { > { value: 'holy', order: 1 }; > { value: 'vorpal', order: 2 }; > { value: 'dancing', order: 3 }; > { value: 'luck', order: 4 }; }; treasure = table { 1-99: nothing! 100: > { count = d4; adjectives = sword_adjectives.unique(count) .sort(fn(a, b) a.order - b.order) .map(fn(a) a.value) .join(' '); `+${ sword_bonus() } ${ adjectives } blade`; } };

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Tablescript has only expressions - no statements. Every expression evaluates to a value. If/else expressions are evaluated the same way math is:

character = { class: 'fighter' }; # ... bonus = if (character.class == 'fighter') { 4; } else { 2; };

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Functions automatically return the last value - there is no return statement:

calculate_bonus = fn (class) { if (class == 'fighter') { 4; } else { 2; }; }; print(calculate_bonus('fighter')); # >> 4 print(calculate_bonus('clown')); # >> 2

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Tablescript also has a conditional operator, so that example could be written much more succinctly:

calculate_bonus = fn (class) class == 'fighter' ? 4 : 2; print(calculate_bonus('fighter')); # >> 4 print(calculate_bonus('clown')); # >> 2

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Copyright Jamie Hale 2021